Simplicity Palma is an actively managed mixed fund that mainly invests in transferable securities, money market instruments and other funds. The allocation of the fund’s holdings, such as geographical exposure and distribution between equities and fixed income instruments, is determined by the fund company based on the prevailing market conditions. Depending on the market situation, the fund’s exposure to any of the permitted asset classes can be up to 100 percent. The risk in the fund can thus vary between low and high.

The Fund aims to achieve as high a risk-adjusted return as possible over time, with a risk that is lower than the risk in the stock market as a whole and higher than the risk in the fixed income market as a whole.

Risk management is a central part of Simplicity’s management process and it is therefore important that sustainability risks are taken into account and monitored just like other types of risks. Simplicity Palma is a fund that promotes, among other things, environmental and social characteristics. The fund does not invest in companies that produce or distribute weapons, alcohol, tobacco, commercial gambling, pornography and fossil fuels. The fund also does not invest in companies that systematically violate international norms.

To measure and follow up the environmental and social characteristics, Simplicity has access to a number of different methods, services and data sources. The fund has documented investment and sustainability processes that the manager follows. The managers have access to a variety of data sources, including Bloomberg and Sustainalytics. The fund’s holdings are regularly screened using Sustainalytics. The person responsible for Simplicity’s risk function examines, independently of the managers, that the fund complies with set criteria.

Read more about the fund’s sustainability work in the fund’s information brochure and on our page for responsible investments.

Fund facts

  • 2018.09.21
  • 0,90%
  • 0,94%
  • 50 000 SEK
  • 0,40%
  • 0,44%
  • 50 000 000 SEK

Risk information

  • 0
  • En medellåg riskklass (3)
  • 7,93%
  • 0,04

Sustainability-related information

To manage sustainability risks, it is crucial that the companies Simplicity invests in through its funds conduct their business responsibly. The company uses norm-based screening to ensure compliance with good governance practices. Simplicity expects, at a minimum, that companies follow laws and international norms and conventions, such as the UN Global Compact, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, as well as a certain level regarding other types of environmental, social, and governance-related incidents. All holdings in Simplicity’s funds are regularly screened to check for any violations. The norm-based screening is performed by a third party.

Several sustainability indicators are used to measure the attainment of the environmental or social characteristics promoted by the fund. Indicators are considered in investment decisions and are regularly monitored.

The binding elements of the fund are to 1) adhere to Simplicity’s responsible investment policy, including the exclusion criteria as well as the inclusion, norm-based screening, and engagement strategies, and 2) the fund’s sustainability indicators are adhered to. Due diligences are carried out regularly by internal controls.

Statement on principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors (PAI) – Simplicity AB.

Updated: 2024-04-02

This text contains sustainability-related information for Simplicity Palma, a light green fund according to EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR Article 8). This means that the fund promotes environmental or social characteristics but has no sustainable investment objective.

The fund promotes environmental and social characteristics through exclusion, inclusion, norm-based screening, and engagement. The fund excludes investments in the following sectors: tobacco, cannabis, alcohol, pornography, gambling, weapons, fossil fuels, and GICS sector 10. Additionally, there are specific requirements for energy production based on fossil fuels and nuclear power. Norm-based exclusions are also applied to companies subject to applicable EU or UN sanctions. Thresholds are used to determine whether a company is related to any of the mentioned sectors or activities.

The fund includes investments that promote the Paris Agreement and responsible business practices by including companies with science-based climate targets and companies affiliated with the UN Global Compact. The fund also promotes environmental and social characteristics by considering principal adverse impacts on sustainability factors as well as good governance practices.

Copyright Simplicity AB 2023